We want you to love your Little Sparkles purchase. Our 30-Day Refund or Exchange guarantee gives you time to make sure your purchase is perfect. If you need to return it for any reason, weā€™ll happily provide you with an exchange or a full refund. If you would like to return or exchange an item purchased on, please first contact Customer Care at [email protected].

Items must be in their original and unworn condition for a refund or exchange. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you purchased your Little Sparkles item at one of our authorized retailers, please contact them for assistance.

Once your returned item is received and accepted, your exchange or refund will be processed within 5 to 10 days. Any items that show signs of wear or have been altered, resized (by a jeweler other than ours), or damaged cannot be accepted for return. Clearance and Final Sale items cannot be returned or exchanged.

Would like to consult with jewelry experts? Please contact our Customer Care team for assistance.

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